Rainbow Babies - Brisbane Newborn Photographer

A rainbow baby is a baby born shortly after the loss of a previous baby due to miscarriage, stillbirth or death in infancy. This term is given to these special rainbow babies because a rainbow typically follows a storm, giving us hope of what's to come.
As an artist, I find it such an honour to create story telling imagery for families.
Often these rainbow baby images can be heartwarming and healing to families because it is recognition of all the children in a family.
There are many different forms of imagery that I have created for rainbow baby sessions, some are straight forward and literally using rainbows.

Sometimes families want to encompass a rainbow image in a more subtle way, and so I have done images such as these ones with Evie, using my rainbow toned mandala to bring a warmth and connection to her image with a subtle nod to the rainbow.

We also went even more subtle by then tucking her into a bed with a flower for each of her siblings before her. I love that she smiled for this photo, as if she knew how precious this image is.

Speaking of a subtle nod to a rainbow, this gorgeous painted background has the same effect, a gentle rainbow theme with baby Hollee snuggled delicately in the centre.

According to their mum, little Tessa was a "pot of gold" baby as her son was the rainbow and Tessa the unexpected pot of gold that came next.

During Katherine's maternity session a storm raged towards us making for an epic backdrop, but also giving me the concept of the storm with a rainbow and the bird representing their little Grace who never made it earth-side.

We also created this balloon image for Katherine's children with Grace's white one floating ungrounded.

And at Quinn's first birthday session we created this family photo with Quinn holding his rainbow and baby Grace included as well, although you might have to look a little closer to see her depiction.

Baby Hollee was a beautiful rainbow after this family sadly lost baby girls in 2017 and 2018. Evelyn and Anneliese have special bears that are a daily part of their family and we created this incredibly moving image that, despite how many times I see it, my emotions catch in my throat at the love, joy and sadness encapsulated in this one image of the four sisters.

In Alex's maternity session the girls were running around their parents, full of fun and excitement. It was such a beautiful family moment together that it just felt right to include a butterfly to represent their precious baby that never made it earthside.

For baby Arlia, her mum had brought in her wedding veil and there are a few different ways we can incorporate an item like this, but as little Arlia is a rainbow baby, I loved the concept of the veil arcing over her, like a protective layer. We then added in the rainbow hearts to this image and I just love it.

Part of the healing and grieving (and time passing) of a pregnancy after loss is a hobby such as knitting or crochet. Incorporating these gorgeous handmade blankets into the photoshoot creates such a personal and love-filled rainbow image. Here is baby Hollee with her gorgeous love heart textured blanket.

And this is baby Eva with her sister Rose's bunny toy, one of the toys she had in hospital with her during her short time earth-side. The soft pastel colours are just divine for this sweet baby sister photo.

Statistics state that in Australia there are around 2200 stillbirths each year and as many as one in four pregnancies miscarry before 20 weeks gestation. This is a part of so many lives. These babies are all loved and cherished and that is why it is such an honour to create images like these for families.

If this has post raised any issues for you or if you would like to speak with someone, please contact the Sands Australia 24 hour support line on 1300 072 637.
Peer Support is available at The Pink Elephants Support Network for miscarriage, pregnancy loss and IVF support.