Baby Isabella - North Brisbane Baby Photographer
As her parents arrived and got out of hte car, little Isabella was sound asleep in the back seat. This is just the way I like to start a sitter session!
Fully rested, fully fed and the energy banks fully loaded for a great smiley morning!
Isabella giggled and smiled her way though all the formal stuff we do before we start taking photos, chewing on a piece of paper and having a great time listening intently to all the things we adults were talking about.
Before long it was time to start the photo-taking!
We settled on a lovely grey background for the family photos and while her Mum and Dad were bringing their A game and happy smiles, Isabella was still warming up to me.
As we looked back over some of the photos on the back of the camera she was right in there as interested as everyone else about how she looked the photos!
By the time we put a cute floral bonnet on her she was very happy, smiling away at me and enjoying the clicking sound my camera was making. She even lay on her back and smiled up at me which her mum said is something she usually is not very keen on doing!
We moved back to the grey set with an outfit change and captured some lovely photos in her cute jumpsuit and pink hairband, and when the chair arrived for her to stand up with, she beamed the biggest smiles of the day, clearly very proud to be showing off her amazing new skill of standing up!
I love a bit of neutral tones in each session so that was up next, some sweet simple photos where Isabella's incredible eyes and beautiful expressions shone through.
Since she loves standing we did a cute photo in another brightly coloured dress where she is standing in between her parents, holding one hand each. I love how she is barely taller than their knees!
A lovely soft brown set with a pop of pastel pink was the last of the day and Isabella was still loaded with smiles by this stage. I could barely believe it, she was yawning and giggling at the same time.
Which is always a sign that the session is done, our lead model wearing out from all the fun and excitement of their photoshoot.
She was nearly asleep in her dads arms as they made their way back to the car, a lovely quiet family afternoon planned together.