Natalia - Brisbane Family Photographer

Occasionally I am contacted by Grandparents looking to book in a photography session for their grandchildren, and this was how it came to be that I met Natalia.
Her Grandmother couldnt decide what to get her for her first birthday, and then after some consideration she decided on the gift of photography. This has to be one of the most precious gifts that anyone could ever give, as it truly is a gift that lasts a lifetime.

I wish I had photos with my parents like this when I was a baby. The love and the playfulness, its such a special window in our lives as children and parents.

A first birthday is a celebration for the Mum and Dad as much as for the birthday boy or girl. The first year is hard work, making it through with all (or most) of your hair and sanity is definitely something to be commended!
So with the party already done we met at the Mt Coot-tha Gardens for a summer morning of photos. There were clouds around and a lovely cool breeze in the air. Butterflies danced across the pathways that were sprinkled with flowers.

It was a pretty little spot to stop and photograph our first set of photos. A shady arch under a tree full of yellow flowers. Natalia loved smelling them with her mum. She held on to her dads hands and practiced walking - I swear if her session had have been one week later she would have been off and running she was so close to walking that day!

Her mum kept a close eye on the wildlife, not a fan of the water dragons that came out to say hello every now and again. The lake has some resident turtles in it and Natalia's mum knelt down to say hello to one that had come up really close to see what was going on - then next moment Agata had jumped right back and the turtle had dipped back into the water! I don't know if it bit her or if it just moved suddenly and gave her a fright but just in case - beware of the snapping turtles next time you visit the gardens! (They are not really snapping turtles, just so you know! But probably watch your fingers just in case... )
We had a lovely time at the jetty looking into the water and Natalia loved holding herself up on the structure, she even gave me lots of cheeky tongue pokes and giggled her way through it all.

To finish the morning we headed to the grassy island in the middle of the lake. We even got out some bubbles to play with, Natalia's dad holding the wand as the breeze blew the bubbles across. Natalia was squealing and catching as many as she could.
It was the perfect way to end the morning and we all headed back to the cafe for iced coffee and sweet treats for morning tea.

Brisbane Family Photographer | Brisbane Baby Photographer