Newlywed Love - Brisbane Family Photographer

Once in a while, in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale.
This is exactly the sentiment I felt photographing this family.
It all started when Olga got in touch with a very cool idea for their family photoshoot.
She and Andrew have been married for 10 years, and while there are many ways to celebrate this milestone anniversary, Olga wanted to do something a little more interesting than the usual dinner out.
Because Olga and Andrew are just as in love as the day they were married.
Mortgage rates, taxes, pets, insurance, daily chores, children.
The daily grind of life can really wear you down. But after spending the afternoon with this gorgeous family I can tell you without a doubt, that their love is just as exciting and alive as the last time Andrew saw Olga in this stunning wedding dress.
When she first put it on, 6 year old daughter Marina's eyes grew so wide seeing her mum in such a gown. Olga picked up Marina's hands and they danced and twirled around the lounge together in united delight.

The concept was to photograph daily chores together but with the blissed out wedding love shining through every image.
So Olga and Andrew set about, with cooking dinner for the delightful, but clearly dis-interested kids.

Next chore, dealing with the washing in the back yard! We were giggling so much doing these photos, Olga doing a little acting Andrew holding the basket because every husband does that right?
Little Sasha wasn't planned here, he was literally just doing the kid thing of asking mum for something when she is clearly busy with a job.
I love that one of the stepping stones under the washing line has their names and a love heart drawn on it. That's there all the time, it wasn't done for the photo! <3

Their cat Harvey turned up to be fed and petted.
Well, Harvey turned up, realised he was getting more attention than he actually wanted and nicked off again pretty quickly!

The children played noisily in the yard, 3 year old Sasha even obliging the concept by laying flat on the ground until a better idea came along. (This is one of my personal favourite images from the shoot!)

They picked cherry tomatoes from the vegetable garden, all under the shade of the blooming Jacaranda tree.

It was all just family life, and contrasted so well with the obvious loved-up glow that beamed from Olga and Andrew, just as though it really were their wedding day ten years ago.
To finish the session off we popped down to the local beach in the hopes of some family photos on the Shorncliffe Pier, but unfortunately upon arriving we found it was closed to the public for a swanky private business function. We were not allowed on even for a few minutes to take a couple of photos.

Snack breaks for everyone!
We all kicked our shoes off and mucked in to the cool sand.
The "swanky do" had hired a live jazz band and suddenly nostalgic wedding-style music was filling the salty air.
Songs such as Franki Valli's "Too Good to be True" and Frank Sinatra's "Fly Me to the Moon" were mixing with the sea breeze and once more Olga was dancing barefoot across the beach, twirling in undiluted joy, just as she would have ten years ago.

As we were commemorating their wedding day, I had an idea to create a "Before and After" kind of image with one of their original wedding photos. If you look closely at this image below, you will see a little special effect in here.

They lucked out even more as the full super-moon rose just on sunset, and with the children happily playing in the trees and the jazz band continuing in the background, they kissed and enjoyed the balmy night air watching a stunning moon-rise over Moreton Bay.

Happy Anniversary Olga and Andrew, it was a pleasure to celebrate this very special family event with you and I wish you both every happiness for many more anniversaries to come.

Family Photographer Brisbane | Newborn Photographer Brisbane